Whether your international business requires assistance with a potential or an existing dispute, I am here to help. I develop customized solutions for your international business needs for a fraction of the price large law firms charge.

Clients often approach me for advice prior to lodging their arbitration claim to determine which arbitration framework to choose and which strategy to follow. I represent corporate entities, private individuals, States and State-owned entities in both INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT ARBITRATION. Learn more about how international investment arbitration may help protect your business abroad.

I also provide legal representation once the dispute has emerged, and the arbitration claim is filed.

Depending on the law applicable to your dispute, certain time limitations may be placed on your ability to bring a claim to arbitration. I urge you to contact me as soon as you are aware of the dispute for an initial free consultation. I will be able to advise on the applicable statute of limitations and other requirements that may be easily overlooked.

My services include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Preliminary Assessment
    Assessment of your contemplated claim and advice on its strengths and weaknesses, potential pitfalls and the ways to avoid them.
  • Securing Funding
    Assistance in securing third-party funding for your contemplated claim.
  • Initiation of Arbitration
    Advice on the preliminary steps in a contemplated international arbitration, as well as preparation and filing of the trigger letter, notice of intent and notice of dispute.
  • Establishment of the Tribunal
    Assistance in choosing and appointing arbitrators for your dispute, investigation of the grounds for a challenge and submission of an arbitrator challenges.
  • Pleadings
    Preparation and submission of relevant arbitration pleadings, documents and correspondence.
  • Hearings & Negotiations
    Representation during arbitral hearings and settlement negotiations.
  • Enforcement
    Assistance in the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.
  • Annulement and setting aside
    Legal representation in ICSID annulment proceedings, as well as assistance in setting aside of arbitral awards.

I advise sovereign States and international organizations on treaty negotiation and interpretation related to international investment law, dispute resolution and human rights.